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If none of the bowl light kits match your style, but you still want a great light kit for your Fanimation fan, the best option for you is going to be Fanimation fitters. The fitters come in a large variety of finishes so you can match a fitter with most any fan, and what the fitters do is provide either 3 or 4 sockets so you can use the included light bulbs and provide a large amount of light for your room. The fitters by themselves come with the frame and the bulbs, so as to allow the most customization options available, as you buy the glass shade or covers separately.
Fanimation fitters have 120V and 220V options for residential and commercial jobs alike. This makes Fanimation fitters easy to setup and install no matter what your situation is, whether you are in your own home or putting these fans in a restaurant. The fitter includes a pullchain and can be wired to be operated by a wall or handheld control. Some fitters a rated for dry and damp locations for areas that get humid such as a bathroom or indoor pool area.
The standard fitters come with the metal frames and arms used to hold the included light bulbs, and once you choose the frame you like, you can then choose which glass shades you want to put on the fitter. The standard fitters use any of the glass shades, ranging from mosaic patters to hand painted works of art. If you order Fanimation fitters that handle four lights, you want to order four shades, as they are sold as individual pieces.
The glass bowl fitter is the only one of the Fanimation fitters that uses a glass bowl cover. These glass bowls also range from several different textures different to a variety of glass design options. There is even a fabric shade option for anyone who feels that would fit their space better than a glass bowl.
At times, someone looking for a light kit will find that they have browsed through an entire catalog without finding a single kit that matches their space. When it comes to customization, Fanimation fitters are just another piece of the puzzle that Fanimation has allowed us to design ourselves, so we can create a fan that matches us and our style. When it comes to design, you always want to be unique, and with Fanimation fitters you have the ability to make your fan unique to you.